Pedro F. Rizzo
Godoy Cruz, Mendoza
Pedro F. Rizzo
Agricultural Engineer and PhD in Agricultural Sciences (FAUBA, Agronomy School, University of Buenos Aires).
He has been working for 16 years in the Waste Transformation Laboratory (LTR) of IMYZA (Institute of Microbiology and Agricultural Zoology of INTA Castelar) and his research focuses on the treatment and valorization of organic waste from agricultural and agroindustrial activities. Currently, he works in the “Sustainable Agroecology” Work Team of the EEA INTA Mendoza. He has participated in the development of new equipment for the evaluation of the stability of organic matter. Currently, he participates in the design and assembly of treatment plants for the transformation of waste at different production scales and in the agronomic evaluation of organic amendments in network trials.

Karen Baun
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Karen Baun
Biologist (Pure and Natural Sciences School, UBA), Ms. Sci. in Agricultural Biology (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA) and PhD in Biological Sciences (UBA).
Specialist in plant ecology, invasive plants and the carbon cycle. She has worked at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation as a technical advisor in intercultural projects with Indigenous Peoples on topics such as access to water, alternative energies, management of native forests and family gardens, among others. She also coordinated the GIRSU (Integrated Management of Urban Solid Waste) online education program under the MOODLE platform. She currently works at the Habitat Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation on social housing, urban infrastructure and environmental mitigation projects in popular neighborhoods.

Patricia Satti
Bariloche, Río Negro
Patricia Satti
Chemist and Biochemist (Southern National University, UNS), PhD in Biology (Comahue National University, UNCOMA).
She has been working for the last 30 years as a research professor at UNCOMA in nitrogen and phosphorus circulation in natural and disturbed ecosystems, organic waste management and soil recovery. She has participated in the research and development of the first Sewage Sludge Composting Plant in the country, and in the composting of urban and agro-industrial waste. She currently heads the Soils Group of the Bariloche Regional University Center (CRUB) of the Institute for Biodiversity and Environment Research (INIBIOMA) and the analytical services of the CRUB Chemistry Laboratory, and is a regular professor at UNCOMA and UNRN (Río Negro province National University.

Elena Okada
Board Member
Balcarce, Buenos Aires
Elena Okada
Board Member
Biologist, PhD in Biology (National University of Mar del Plata, UNMdP).
She works as a researcher in the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Group at the Institute for Innovation in Agricultural Production and Sustainable Development (IPADS Balcarce INTA-CONICET), at the Agricultural Experimental Station (EEA) Balcarce INTA. Her work focuses on research, development and extension in the area of environmental impact of agricultural production, environmental monitoring of pollutants, treatment and management of agricultural waste, and sustainable development. Currently, she coordinates a research project to comprehensively address the composting of poultry waste to be used as a horticultural organic amendment.

Roberto Tallarico
Alternate Board Member
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Roberto Tallarico
Alternate Board Member
Industrial, agro-industrial and municipal organic waste composting specialist.
For 20 years he has been providing advice on organic waste treatment to various municipalities and companies in the country, including Empresa Baggio (Mendoza), ARCOR, ADES (Pilar), La Campagnola (Mendoza), Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes, Municipality of Gral. Las Heras city, Municipality of Chascomús city. He is in charge of the green waste recovery plants, and of the community composting project in squares of the city of Buenos Aires. He is also a founding partner of HIDROCOMP, a company that treats organic waste and industrial scrap; and a member of the Biological Waste Treatment Working Group, ISWA (Latin America).

Nicolás I. Riera
Ituzaingó, Buenos Aires
Nicolás I. Riera
Agricultural Engineer (Faculty of Agronomy, University of Morón) and Master in Soil Sciences (Faculty of Agronomy, UBA).
He has worked as a researcher for the last 16 years at the Waste Transformation Laboratory (LTR) dependent on the Institute of Microbiology and Agricultural Zoology (IMyZA) of INTA Castelar. His main work topic is the management, treatment and valorization of solid and liquid waste from animal production. He works in the area of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, participating in various national and international projects. He has been a professor at the University of Morón for 12 years.

Emiliano Aguerreberry
Alternate Auditor
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Emiliano Aguerreberry
Alternate Auditor
Biologist (UBA), Master in Planning and Evaluation of Public Policies at the San Martín National University (UNSAM) (currently preparing the thesis).
He worked in the private sector as a consultant for industrial effluent treatment plants; and has been a technical analyst for 6 years at the Ministry of the Environment of the Nation on issues related to wastewater treatment plants and sustainable sludge management. Currently, he is a technical advisor at the Ministry of Public Works in the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation, coordinating the National Wastewater Treatment Plan.